Current & Climate Weather For Portsmouth, Rhode Island
Station Location |
Portsmouth |
Elevation |
255 ft |
Sunrise |
6:13a |
Sunset |
5:41p |
Moon Phase |
Waning Crescent |
Current Forecast |
Increasing clouds and warmer. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours |
Today's Date |
03/05/24 |
Time of Report |
12:04p |
Outside Temperature |
44.8 |
Inside Temperature |
65.2 |
Today's High |
45.1 |
11:46a |
Today's High |
66.5 |
6:55a |
Today's Low |
39.1 |
3:27a |
Today's Low |
63.6 |
4:24a |
Month High |
59.8 |
Month High |
69.0 |
Month Low |
24.5 |
Month Low |
60.2 |
Year High |
59.8 |
Year High |
77.0 |
Year Low |
13.0 |
Year Low |
59.0 |
Outside Humidity |
98% |
Humidity |
43% |
Today's High |
98% |
8:29a |
Today's High |
43% |
4:32a |
Today's Low |
96% |
12:00a |
Today's Low |
40% |
6:58a |
Month High |
98% |
Month High |
47% |
Month Low |
50% |
Month Low |
31% |
Year High |
98% |
Year High |
53% |
Year Low |
22% |
Year Low |
23% |
Outside Dew Point |
44.3 |
Inside Dew Point |
42.1 |
Today's High |
45.0 |
11:46a |
Today's Low |
38.0 |
2:30a |
Month High |
51.0 |
Month Low |
12.0 |
Year High |
55.0 |
Year Low |
1.0 |
Today's Rain |
0.06 |
Rain Rate |
0.04 |
Storm Rain |
0.08 |
Today's High |
0.05 |
11:47a |
Month Rain |
1.91 |
Month High |
1.30 |
Year Rain |
9.37 |
Year High |
10.11 |
Wind Speed |
5.0 |
Barometer |
30.221 |
Wind Direction |
3 Hour Trend |
Falling Rapidly |
1 Minute Average |
--- |
Today's High |
30.389 |
12:00a |
2 Minute Average |
--- |
Today's Low |
30.221 |
12:03p |
5 Minute
--- |
High |
30.635 |
10 Minute Average |
--- |
Month Low |
30.014 |
1 Minute High Gust |
--- |
Year Low |
29.001 |
2 Minute High Gust |
--- |
5 Minute High Gust |
--- |
10 Minute High Gust
--- |
Today's High Gust |
11.0 |
4:31a |
High |
30.0 |
High |
46.0 |
Wind Chill |
43.8 |
Today's Low |
35.0 |
3:22a |
Month Low |
14.0 |
Year Low |
-4.0 |
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